TESOL CALL Interest Section

Software List

Deborah Healey, Editor

Alphabetical Listing - Z

[0-9][A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

Zip Zoom English

    Machine: Mac, Win
    Skill(s): reading
    Publisher: Scholastic Software
    Purchase options: $3000 for 30-station license
    Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-3
    Special use: literacy, elementary
    CD-ROM that accompanies 10 books, workbooks audio CDs, teacher's guide, and other material. There is a strong focus on phonics and basic vocabulary-building. Extensive record-keeping. Windows 2000/XP; Mac OS X. See more information at http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/zipzoom/

Last updated 10 June 2010 by Deborah Healey, dhealey at uoregon dot edu