TESOL CALL Interest Section
Software List
Deborah Healey, Editor
Alphabetical Listing - E
[0-9][A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill(s): reading
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Purchase options: Contact publisher
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: elementary
Includes interactive software, guided instruction, student resources, teacher’s guides, correlations and assessments, customized professional development, and school-to-home connections. Designed for reading and phonics work.
Easy Letters
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill(s): writing
Publisher: WriteExpress
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: downloaded; CD is more
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: business
Designed for native speakers, the program offers expert advice, step by step instructions, and sample sentences for writing business and personal letters on more than 500 topics. Includes over 2000 sample letters. A demo can be downloaded from http://www.WriteExpress.com/download.html. Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 98, 95, NT, or Me; Mac OS X.
Easy Street
Machine: Mac, Win
Skill(s): discontinued
Publisher: Mindplay
See also Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-3
Special use: Bilingual, elementary, literacy
Builds reading and math readiness skills. Teaches counting, classification and labeling in English and Spanish. Can be customized for special needs. Now part of One-Pick Pack (English only) or Language Pack (Spanish or French), which includes Ace Detective, Ace Explorer, Ace Inquirer, Ace Reporter, Easy Street, Race the Clock Language Arts, Word Hound, and some math titles. Pay a separate fee to install each the One-Pick Pack titles.
Easy Writer
Machine: Win
Skill(s): writing, grammar
Publisher: Software for Students
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
This software was developed by an ESL teacher and features all authentic writing. It uses more than 85 essays written by ESL students in which the user has to find and correct the grammar errors. Essays range from high beginner to high intermediate. Users who want more help with grammar can access grammar help pages which will explain the rules and hyperlink to other sentences and paragraphs which exhibit the same type of error. Additional exercises and examples are in the accompanying text, "The Grammar HELP! Student Handbook," available from the author/publisher. New Easy Writer Deluxe includes audio stories as well. XP/2000/98, NT, and ME.
EasyWriter Deluxe
Machine: Win
Skill(s): listening, grammar
Publisher: Software for Students
Approximate single-unit price: $125
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
This software was developed by an ESL teacher and features all authentic writing. Learners can listen to the essays first, then find and correct the grammar errors. Essays range from high beginner to high intermediate. Users who want more help with grammar can access grammar help pages which will explain the rules and hyperlink to other sentences and paragraphs which exhibit the same type of error. Additional exercises and examples are in the accompanying text, "The Grammar HELP! Student Handbook," available from the author/publisher. Windows XP/2000/98, NT, ME.
Eighteen Stories
Machine: Win
Skill(s): reading
Publisher: Wida Software
Approximate single-unit price: $55
Purchase options: lab pack
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: HE
Reading skill building with stories; designed for ESL/EFL. Windows 95, 98, NT; not verified for XP, Vista, or Windows 7.
Electronic Business Letter Writer
Machine: Win
Skill(s): writing
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press UK
See also Wida
Purchase options: find on Amazon.com
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: Business
Business correspondence package. Over 200 model texts cover all forms and subjects of business correspondence, and extensive help is also provided. British English. Available through Amazon.com
ELLIS Academic
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill(s): comprehensive
Publisher: Pearson Education
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: Bilingual
This is a suite of programs that incorporate video, animation, audio, and text to present information and build skills in vocabulary, grammar, writing, and oral skills for high school and adult learners. A record and playback option is also included. True beginners would use Basics to build literacy skills; Intro for beginning and low-intermediate learners; Middle Mastery for intermediate to advanced; Senior Mastery for English for Academic Purposes for advanced learners; and Master Pronunciation for pronunciation work at any level. ELLIS Placement provides initial testing, and Instructor Utilities is the on-line student tracking system. Now part of Pearson Education. Find information at http://www.pearsonschool.com/ellis
ELLIS Essentials
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill(s): comprehensive
Publisher: Pearson Education
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: K-6
Special use: literacy, bilingual
ELLIS Essentials uses songs, exercises, games, and native-language support for instruction to combine basic vocabulary development with beginning reading instruction for beginning literacy. Activities for beginner and low intermediate learners include video as part of tutorials for integrated skills, as well as native-language support for instruction, games, songs, exercises, and other skills practice. http://www.pearsonschool.com/ellis for more information.
English Adventures
Machine: Win
Skill(s): comprehensive
Publisher: Techno-Ware
Approximate single-unit price: $500
Purchase options: lab
Level: Literacy, beginning For: K-3
Special use: elementary, literacy
DVD-based series of adventure stories, chants, songs, and texts that introduce children to the sounds of letters, letter combinations, and the creation of words from these sounds (phonics). Record and playback options, as well as record-keeping. Program runs from a server. Windows 95/98/2000/ME; not verified for Vista or Windows 7.
English by the Numbers
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill(s): listening, speaking
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: Contact publisher for pricing
Level: Intermediate For: Adult, HE
Special use: Business, bilingual (Jap, Fr, Sp, Port, It)
This CD-ROM-based course focuses on the language of numbers and basic mathematics. Useful for students and people in business and technical fields who need to understand or make oral presentations in English, do business over the telephone, participate in question-and-answer sessions involving the exchange of numerical information, and improve listening comprehension. Each unit includes a brief oral presentation followed by practice activities that test listening comprehension. The material is suitable for TOEIC levels 450-750. Pricing options include per-student-use cost. Contact the publisher for details.
English Discoveries
Machine: Win
Skill(s): comprehensive
Publisher: Techno-Ware
Approximate single-unit price: $700
Purchase options: $90 for indiv titles
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Special use: Literacy
Developed by Berlitz and EduSoft, this multimedia program offers materials and activities for reading, writing, speaking, listening, and grammar skills. It also allows teachers to easily develop their own lessons. In addition to prepared lessons, students may work in specific areas such as language (grammar), listening (using video clips), speaking (creating part of a dialogue), and adventures (following clues). There are 12 CD-ROM disks (Let's Start, 3 Basic, 3 Intermediate, 4 Advanced, and 1 Executive) that are consistent in format and include pre and post tests. Includes a management system. There are testing options throughout the program and a review module in the Advanced disks. Individual levels can be purchased separately and cost between $85 and $370. Networked version is English Discoveries Expert. Windows 95/98/2000/ME; not verified for Vista or Windows 7.
English Discoveries Expert
Machine: Win
Skill(s): comprehensive
Publisher: Techno-Ware
Approximate single-unit price: $3455
Purchase options: per station price
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Server-based version of English Discoveries for institutional purchase and use. Windows 2000 Server, and Windows 2003 Server.
English for Business 1
Machine: Win
Skill(s): listening
Publisher: University of Wolverhampton
See also Wida
Approximate single-unit price: $80
Purchase options: £60
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
Special use: Business
An MBA student is making a visit to a local brewery in this Windows CD-ROM based program. He interviews the director, hears the company history, and goes on a tour of the brewery and hears about sales, marketing, policy, and the production process. The video and sound sequences are accompanied by various types of exercises, including gap-filling, reordering, and multiple choice. British English.
English for Kids Set
Machine: Win
Skill(s): comprehensive
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
See also World of Reading
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Level: Beginning For: K-3
Special use: elementary
Six CD-set includes English For Kids (pronunciation). English Practice Combo (vocabulary, listening, grammar, spelling). My First Incredible Amazing Dictionary, and PDF-formatted Printing Workbook, Cursive Writing Workbook, and Creative Writing Workbook. Customized versions are available for speakers of French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, German, Chinese, Hindi, Portuguese, and Russian. See a review at http://calico.org/CALICO_Review/review/engkids00.htm.
English for Success
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill(s): vocabulary, listening
Publisher: DynEd International
Purchase options: Contact publisher for pricing
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 6-12
Basic to intermediate-level comprehensive program for pre-teens and teens. It includes not only general English (listening, speaking, vocabulary, reading, grammar), but also the social language needed for school and school subjects such as math, geography, history, and science. A record and playback function is included. Record-keeping includes a "study score" function.
English Language
Machine: Win
Skill(s): comprehensive
Publisher: Mantex
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: GBP19.45
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
This covers all the basic aspects of English language studies, with a UK/Btitish English focus. It offers definitions, examples, and full explanations of current usage. There are interactive exercises on every topic. It can be used for self-instruction, for reference, or as a HELP program whilst using a word-processor. Covers every topic required by the National Curriculum. In use throughout the UK.
=> maybe not so useful: very British, and assumes L1 cultural information. Windows 95/98/2000/XP.
English on the Job
Machine: Win
Skill(s): speaking
Publisher: Universal Language Solutions
Purchase options: Contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: Adult
Special use: VESL
Interactive voice-recognition workplace ESL training software with text and graphics, audio modeling, student recording. Includes industry-specific vocabulary for life survival, safety, health care, food services, and other areas.
English Sounds
Machine: Win
Skill(s): pronunciation
Publisher: EFL Productions
Approximate single-unit price: $5
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: Adult, HE, Teacher
This includes a phonemic chart and quiz for learning the International Phonetic Alphabet. This would be useful for teachers and learners who need to learn IPA in order to check the pronunciation of words. Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista; not verified for Windows 7. British English.
English Tutor
Machine: Win
Skill(s): comprehensive
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: bilingual (multi)
Includes grammar, reading, writing, and listening Learning English workbooks (PDF format); ESL PRO, a pronunciation drill and practice program; and the 1000 Key English Words and Idioms guide. A student workbook and teachers manual are included for ESL PRO.
English Word Builder
Machine: Win
Skill(s): vocab, T util
Publisher: Caltrox
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All, Teacher
Word find puzzles - word building from a collection of letters in a game format. Includes hundreds of built-in common English words, a timer, and a computer-based way to check words. Download a trial version from the website, then register for the full version. Windows 95/98/ME/ NT/2000/XP/Vista/7.
English4Today Language Pack
Machine: Win
Skill(s): reference
Publisher: English4Today.com
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Software is designed to be used with online resources on the website, but can also be used in standalone mode. It includes modules for English grammar, guides to pronunciation, writing, and vocabulary enhancement, a dictionary and thesaurus. Can be downloaded from the website at http://www.english4today.com/shop/english4today_lp.cfm or obtained on CD-ROM. Special pricing is available when included with a membership in the website.
Error Terror
Machine: Win
Skill(s): grammar
Publisher: Educational Software Products
Approximate single-unit price: $75
Purchase options: £40 each; lab
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Arcade-style game where the user has to shoot down errors in a constantly moving passage. Whether the user wins or loses, after each passage is completed, a list of errors, along with individual notes on each error, is presented to them, which can be printed off for reference. The 20 passages are graded for difficulty, and the program is fully authorable. British English in the passages that come with the program.
Machine: Win
Skill(s): vocabulary, pronunciation
Publisher: ESL Pro Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: multi-user, site
Level: Literacy, beginning, intermediate For: All
Special use: literacy, bilingual (multi)
This CD-ROM-based program uses graphics, sound, animation, and text to improve pronunciation skills. Learners can record and compare their speech. Customized versions are available for speakers of French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, German, Chinese, Hindi, Portuguese, and Russian. Included as part of the English Tutor package.
ESL ReadingSmart
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill(s): reading
Publisher: Alloy Multimedia
Purchase options: $750 for up to 25 users
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: K-6
Special use: Elementary
Reading skill practice with literature: myths and legends, biographies, poetry, and short stories from different regions and cultural traditions. Learners can link to related stories, articles, vocabulary and comprehension activities and relevant Web sites. Vocabulary support is provided through pop-up definitions while reading, as well as graphics and sound. Teachers can track learners’ performance through online reports.
Essay Express
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill(s): writing
Publisher: Fable Vision
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Intermediate For: All
Writing skill-building using interactive strategy-based exercises with stories, humor, and music to teach students how to structure a successful short essay. About four to six hours of self-paced learning and practice. One these mis the on-going saga of The Rotten Green Peppers, a dysfunctional rock band who are hired to write rock videos that teach kids about essay writing strategies. Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/Vista; Mac OS 9, X.
Essential English Fitness
Machine: Win
Skill(s): grammar
Publisher: Merit Software
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-6
Multiple-choice program helps students cope with troublesome points of English grammar and usage. Record-keeping. Windows 95/98/2000/XP; not verified for Vista. Networkable. A demo can be downloaded from the website: http://www.meritsoftware.com/.
EuroTalk English Complete Set
Machine: Win, Mac
Skill(s): vocabulary
Publisher: EuroTalk
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: network, site
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
Complete set of Eurotalk vocabulary building programs, designed for beginning to intermediate/advanced learners. The set includes Talk Now. Talk More, and Vocabulary Builder CD-ROMs for beginners, World Talk CD-ROM for intermediate level learners, and the Movie Talk DVD-ROM for advanced learners. The programs include listen and record functions, games, and exercises. Mac OS X; Windows 2000/XP/Vista.
Exercise Generator Plus
Machine: Win
Skill(s): authoring
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
See also World of Reading
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Purchase options: $50 each level separately; lab, site
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Former title: Automatic Exercise Generator. This program, created in conjunction with Oxford University Press, generates and prints paper-based text and vocabulary exercises. It is based on a pool of 50 specially-written multicultural texts. Teachers select a text from the list of texts, choose an exercise type, and decide on the length of the exercise. The program generates the exercise. If it looks satisfactory, the teacher can print a student copy and teacher master copy (the license includes unlimited photocopying of all material). Exercise types include gap fill, sentence matching, jumbled words (anagrams), word search, proofreading, sentence gaps, sentence matching, word forms, vocabulary in context, and sentence organiser. A demo can be downloaded from the website at www.ClarityEnglish.com
Expert Gallery
Machine: Win
Skill(s): listening, vocabulary
Publisher: Lingonet Oy
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: 5-user, network
Level: Advanced For: Adult, HE
Special use: business
Financial English is a video-rich CD-ROM based on a consultation session with an experienced accountant explaining how to go about setting up a company and managing its finances. The content is authentic both in the sense that it is an expert answering questions without a script and because his answers are the same as he usually gives to his clients. The authentic language is scaffolded with language support, including a glossary of terms, listening to the summaries in clear standard English, and a range of exercises such as gap fill, ordering, jigsaw, and collocation activities. The descriptions of business procedures and the weighing up of alternatives form the basis of reporting tasks which encourage students to break out of the shell of passive learning. A review is online at http://www.lydbury.co.uk/besig/resources/cdroms/add-140599.htm.
Explore Canada
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill(s): discussion
Publisher: TVLT New Media Language Training
See also NAS Software
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: site, network, lab pack
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All but K-2
Special use: bilingual (French)
This multimedia program teaches Canadian history, geography and culture at two levels of language difficulty (English and French). The geography section provides detailed information about regions, provinces and territories in Canada. The history unit is divided into the following six titles: Early History, Colonial Period, Canada Grows, Exploration, Confederation and Canada Today. Other features available on this program are a talking dictionary, an index for research assignments, scratch pad activities, Canadian Citizenship test, and other activities.
Machine: Win/Mac
Skill(s): writing
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Purchase options: Free with Houghton-Mifflin text
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
14 modules on paragraph- and essay-writing that cover how to write a topic sentence, develop and arrange details, and use sources in addition to different rhetorical styles from process paragraphs to persuasive essays. Free when packaged with a Houghton-Mifflin text.
EyeSpeak English
Machine: Win
Skill(s): pronunciation
Publisher: Visual Pronunciation Software
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Purchase options: network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
Practice with sounds, words, sentences, and role-plays. Learners can compare their speech to that of the native-speaker model (American or British English) using visual mouth diagrams, wave form diagrams and audio recordings. Choose from conversational English, business English, and travel English versions. A network version is available for school use. A free trial version can be downloaded from the website at http://www.eyespeakenglish.com/. Windows 2000/XP/Vista.
Last updated 10 June 2010 by Deborah Healey, dhealey at uoregon dot edu