Resources for Further Reading
These are listed in rough order of importance and utility.
Planning a Language Resource Center from Claire Bradin has a range of links to help in starting out, though some of the links are outdated.
Setting up and Running CALL Labs by Vance Stevens gives an extensive list of weblinks for those interested in designing and running a CALL lab. This is a good starting point for designing a lab. Note that while some of the linked pages are current, others have not been updated for a number of years.
ICT4LT's Module 3.1: Managing a Multimedia Language Centre at offers case studies along with suggestions.
Installing a Computer-based Language Lab by John de Szendeffy gives practical advice for starting out, including issues to consider. Though older than the other sites, this provides a good basis.
Computer Lab Layout Guidelines from Cornell University has practical suggestions for the amount of space needed and layout of a computer lab. This is very useful when looking at a space to decide if it is suitable for a lab and the number of stations it can support.
A Place to Start in Selecting Software by Deborah Healey offers suggestions for thinking about what software to buy.
Self-access: A Framework for Diversity by Michael Rodden and Michelle Parrington gives some reasons for setting up a self access center, as well as some tips for saving money while creating your self-access center.
Wikipedia’s entry on Self-access Language Learning Centers presents some background information about why to set up a self-access center, as well as links to existing centers.
The International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT) is a group focused on language labs, including computer labs. It is good for the lab manager to be a member, especially if conference funding is available.
What Is Learner Autonomy and How Can It Be Fostered? by Dimitrios Thanasoulas looks at an essential component of a self-access center: a self-directed learner.
Quick Tips for the CALL Laboratory by Brian Cullen and John Morris gives suggestions for teachers who are using the lab.
Mobile lab information:
ThinkPad A La Carte shows one style of mobile lab, using ThinkPads:
Apple offers suggestions about Mac mobile labs:
A cart vendor offers another look at the same thing: